What financial aid when having a house built?
You've decided to build a modern house in South Finistère and would like to know about the financial assistance available to help you with this project. There are many options available, including the PTZ (Prêt à Taux Zéro), the PAS (Prêt à l'Accession Sociale), exemption from property tax and other subsidies. Polimmo La Maison can tell you more about this financial assistance and the conditions for accessing it.
The PTZ (zero-rate loan)
The PTZ is available for new builds or the purchase of a previously unoccupied home, regardless of income level.
Mandatory condition: the property must become your principal residence. Your location, income and the number of people in your household are taken into account when calculating the monthly repayments.
-> More information on the PTZ (Ministry of the Economy)
The PAS (Prêt à l'Accession Sociale - social housing loan)
The PAS is a regulated loan for people on low incomes. Only banks that have signed an agreement with the government can grant it, subject to means testing. Your property - house or land - must be your principal residence.
-> Find out more about the Prêt à l'Accession Sociale (PAS) loan
Exemption from property tax
Conditions for exemption from property tax :
- It applies for two years following the construction of a new home and completion of the work.
- your home is your principal residence.
- your home complies with current environmental standards.
-> More information on property tax on built-up properties
Other possible grants
Financial assistance may also be available from local authorities and the Anah (Agence nationale de l'habitat), subject to certain conditions. To find out whether you are eligible, contact your local authority, regional council or county council.
The Polimmo La Maison teams are at your side from the moment you arrange your finance. They can also offer you an additional interest-free loan, subject to certain conditions.